Despite the fact that this looks like a total distraction from my compass project it is on track. Sort of. I've wanted to do this project for a bit, the idea has been in my head for a while now, but I never down and cranked out the code. Until today. This project was a change to use and really understand the linear_extrude() command in OpenSCAD. My next idea for the compass will require it and I've avoided unusual shapes, like equilateral triangles, because I was wary of the command.
Basically, I don't always have a straight edge when I'm drawing. I carry a lot of pens on a regular day but I don't usually have a ruler. A lot of my drawings would be neater if I did have a straight edge. This project is a sleeve for a Sharpie pen which will turn the Sharpie into a straightedge. Two would be printed and glued onto a couple pens. Two would be necessary in order to draw in both colors but if they can easily slide off I could just take it off when I need a straight edge.
Most likely it will be uncomfortable to write with and ultimately unusable but it's something worth trying with a 3D printer. I was going to make it a complete equilateral triangle but that brings up problems. For example, it might need a vent hole to allow the pen to be pushed into the very end. The biggest problem was that it would have to be printed vertically and the laminations of the printing would not leave a smooth edge. By printing it on its side the printer should lay down a nice neat line and give it a perfectly straight edge.
Basically, I don't always have a straight edge when I'm drawing. I carry a lot of pens on a regular day but I don't usually have a ruler. A lot of my drawings would be neater if I did have a straight edge. This project is a sleeve for a Sharpie pen which will turn the Sharpie into a straightedge. Two would be printed and glued onto a couple pens. Two would be necessary in order to draw in both colors but if they can easily slide off I could just take it off when I need a straight edge.
Most likely it will be uncomfortable to write with and ultimately unusable but it's something worth trying with a 3D printer. I was going to make it a complete equilateral triangle but that brings up problems. For example, it might need a vent hole to allow the pen to be pushed into the very end. The biggest problem was that it would have to be printed vertically and the laminations of the printing would not leave a smooth edge. By printing it on its side the printer should lay down a nice neat line and give it a perfectly straight edge.
3D printable Sharpie pen sleeve
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2016-01-23 (Sa)
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