small fry pan has been replaced with a pie tin.
The purpose is to avoid having to cut the thick metal which would likely
create Teflon dust. The pie tin is very
resistant to hot glue.
Peeling hot glue
continuous rotation servos were ordered from a domestic seller on eBay. The work saved by using servos is worth the
small amount of extra money. This method
also standardizes parts for anyone to replicate the project. The servos hopefully provide speed regulation
which will increase the accuracy of prints.
It was decided that the first version will not have much feedback but
the I/O will be available to it. The
feedback for things like “glue stick present” and water levels will likely be
run to connectors but no programming will be done.
3 ½” ¼-20
carriage bolts were purchased to act as the shafts. The bolts and derailleur sprockets were
assembled to ensure a good fit.
Shafts with sprockets or steampunk bouquet
Sprocketed shafts and chain
price list was updated with new purchases and unneeded parts were crossed out.
The small
rectangular container was drafted. The
frying pan was removed from the drawing.
Triangles were drawn on the outlines of each container to determine the
largest platen able to fit in each container.
- Collect and buy stuff
- Update list to include min/max price + estimates
- Write pseudo code
- Design circuit with connectors
- Draft schematics
- Revise document
- Build stuff
- Code
- Test + debug
Journal page 1
Journal page 2
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