20140417 (Th) Upcycled 3D Printer

At the hack space a cutting board was cut according to the triangle drafted for the fish tank platen.  A printed copy was cut out, outlined and traced on the cutting board.  The cuts were made using a table saw and a band saw.

 Triangle cut from plastic

An identical triangle was marked the same was on an old jelly roll pan which was cutting using a horizontal band saw and a hand hack saw.

Triangle marked on metal

The plastic triangle will serve to hold the bearings in place between itself and the non-stick pie tin.  Holes will be drilled part way (7/8” Ø) which will hold the bearings while smaller holes (≥ 1/4” Ø and < 7/8” Ø) will go all the way through the plastic.  The plastic and pie tin will be bolted together.

The metal platen will have 5/16” Ø holes drilled in the corners were extruded U bolts will all the ¼-20 shafts to pass through.


To do:

  • Collect stuff 
  • Update price list to include min/max prices and estimates 
  • Revise documentation 
  • Build stuff 
  • Code 
  • Test + debug

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