All of the wonky display issues could have been related to the code, but it seemed unlikely or at least less likely than faulty hardware after I investigated the sketch so thoroughly. I tried rerouting the data signal through different IO pins, I swapped wires with data pins that had been working well, and I rearranged code, so that suspicious code ran before stuff that was known to be functional. There could still be issues with the functions that change specific lights, but the most likely is that the hardware is acting up.
A couple more custom functions were written to leverage fun or useful displays. The first command was to turn all the LEDs to a dim white so the levels could be compared. This came about because the color temperature of the strips seemed inconsistent, and it would be easy to examine later.
The second new function was called blurryColors() and it prandomly assigned two colors, R/G/B, at different values to each LED for ten milliseconds then changed to a new color. It did this fifty times then turned all the lights off. This may be a way to test that the lights are working or just a quick way to make a noisy and colorful spectacle.
The last function displayed human-readable numerals on a 3x5 grid of LEDs. They were the equivalent of a 7-segment display as far as complexity, but they could change color and appear anywhere on the first ten LEDs. The code will have to be expanded to include more colors and all the locations across a 900-LED triple helix.
The rest of the posts for this project have been arranged by date.
First time here?
Completed projects from year 1
Completed projects from year 2
Completed projects from year 3
Completed projects from year 4
Completed projects from year 5
Completed projects from year 6
Disclaimer for and
This disclaimer must be intact and whole. This disclaimer must be included if a project is distributed.
All information in this blog, or linked by this blog, is not to be taken as advice or solicitation. Anyone attempting to replicate, in whole or in part, is responsible for the outcome and procedure. Any loss of functionality, money, property, or similar, is the responsibility of those involved in the replication.
All digital communication regarding the email address becomes the intellectual property of Brian McEvoy. Any information contained within these messages may be distributed or retained at the discretion of Brian McEvoy. Any email sent to this address, or any email account owned by Brian McEvoy, cannot be used to claim property or assets.
Comments to the blog may be utilized or erased at the discretion of the owner. No one posting may claim property or assets based on their post.
This blog, including pictures and text, is copyright to Brian McEvoy.
A couple more custom functions were written to leverage fun or useful displays. The first command was to turn all the LEDs to a dim white so the levels could be compared. This came about because the color temperature of the strips seemed inconsistent, and it would be easy to examine later.
The second new function was called blurryColors() and it prandomly assigned two colors, R/G/B, at different values to each LED for ten milliseconds then changed to a new color. It did this fifty times then turned all the lights off. This may be a way to test that the lights are working or just a quick way to make a noisy and colorful spectacle.
blur() for displaying psuedo-random colors
The last function displayed human-readable numerals on a 3x5 grid of LEDs. They were the equivalent of a 7-segment display as far as complexity, but they could change color and appear anywhere on the first ten LEDs. The code will have to be expanded to include more colors and all the locations across a 900-LED triple helix.
Numerals in different colors at the same location
The rest of the posts for this project have been arranged by date.
First time here?
Completed projects from year 1
Completed projects from year 2
Completed projects from year 3
Completed projects from year 4
Completed projects from year 5
Completed projects from year 6
Disclaimer for and
This disclaimer must be intact and whole. This disclaimer must be included if a project is distributed.
All information in this blog, or linked by this blog, is not to be taken as advice or solicitation. Anyone attempting to replicate, in whole or in part, is responsible for the outcome and procedure. Any loss of functionality, money, property, or similar, is the responsibility of those involved in the replication.
All digital communication regarding the email address becomes the intellectual property of Brian McEvoy. Any information contained within these messages may be distributed or retained at the discretion of Brian McEvoy. Any email sent to this address, or any email account owned by Brian McEvoy, cannot be used to claim property or assets.
Comments to the blog may be utilized or erased at the discretion of the owner. No one posting may claim property or assets based on their post.
This blog, including pictures and text, is copyright to Brian McEvoy.
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