
2024-07-30 (Tu) GrinderCompassMKIII REV22's enlarged shell

2024-07-30 (Tu) Gravy Shock ID badge promotion

2024-07-29 (M) GrinderCompassMKIII REV22 tuning the spinner top

2024-07-28 (Su) GrinderCompassMKIII Measuring how far the flexible deflects

2024-07-27 (Sa) GrinderCompassMKIII Contingency for inflexible resin

2024-07-26 (F) Weekly Summary

2024-07-25 (Th) GrinderCompassMKIII Spokes for flexible filament

2024-07-24 (W) GrinderCompassMKIII Jig-bent wires

2024-07-23 (Tu) GrinderCompassMKIII Wire bending jig

2024-07-22 (M) GrinderCompassMKIII REV21 with long springs

2024-07-21 (Su) GrinderCompassMKIII REV20 assembly

2024-07-20 (Sa) GrinderCompassMKIII REV20 low-profile spinner

2024-07-19 (F) Weekly Summary

2024-07-18 (Th) GrinderCompassMKIII REV19 model with central springs

2024-07-18 (Th) Gravy Shock Comic Issue 01 available

2024-07-17 (W) GrinderCompassMKIII REV18 brass wires on spinner

2024-07-16 (Tu) GrinderCompassMKIII REV18 spinner assembly

2024-07-15 (M) GrinderCompassMKIII REV17 print and distortion

2024-07-13 (Sa) GrinderCompassMKIII Suspended spinner concept