
2024-08-30 (F) Weekly Summary

2024-08-29 (Th) GrinderCompassMKIII REV29 case model

2024-08-28 (W) GrinderCompassMKIII REV29 case sketch

2024-08-27 (Tu) GrinderCompassMKIII REV29 elastic holder model

2024-08-26 (M) GrinderCompassMKIII REV29 elastic holder sketch

2024-08-25 (Su) GrinderCompassMKIII Free-spinning compass

2024-08-24 (Sa) GrinderCompassMKIII Springy spinner holder

2024-08-23 (F) Weekly Summary

2024-08-22 (Th) GrinderCompassMKIII Brass and white pawn

2024-08-21 (W) GrinderCompassMKIII REV27 looks like a chess piece

2024-08-20 (Tu) GrinderCompassMKIII REV26 assembled and semi-fuctional

2024-08-19 (M) GrinderCompassMKIII REV26 holder

2024-08-18 (Su) GrinderCompassMKIII REV26 spinner model

2024-08-17 (Sa) GrinderCompassMKIII New design sketch

2024-08-16 (F) Weekly Summary

2024-08-15 (Th) GrinderCompassMKIII Feedback from REV25

2024-08-14 (W) GrinderCompassMKIII Bead-holding spinner

2024-08-13 (Tu) GrinderCompassMKIII REV25 printing and assembling